This Is the End of Our Broadcast Day.

It is with a heavy heart and a tear in each of our eyes that we announce that The Revolving Door Commune Blog is going on an indefinite hiatus.

The Itinerant Artists here at The Commune are a very busy bunch – the kind of busy that isn’t conducive to a group blog.  We feel that, rather than come to this blog as a chore, we should focus on pursuing our individual projects with energy and passion, and promote them as we see fit.  This isn’t the end for us, merely the beginning.

However, we wanted to thank you all for your support and readership – we actually had readers!  🙂  Thank you for sharing in our experiences, for helping us when we asked (particularly with regard to the Liz Breaking Her Leg situation and the RDC Fallen Comrade Fund), and for making us feel like what we have so say actually matters to someone!

For her part, Teresa will be starting her own blog (soon to be found at, and you’ll continue to see her Twitter feed here.  Adam has recently joined the Twitterverse (@adamhunault).  The rest of the Itinerant Artists and Commune Cohorts can be found on Facebook if you’d like to look for them…  There will always be ways for you to keep tabs on what we’re up to…it’s just not going to be here.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  This has been fun!  But now, we’re riding off into the sunset of 2009.  Here’s to 2010 bringing all the Itinerant Artists and Commune Cohorts everything they’ve ever wanted for their lives, or at least the opportunities to go out and get those things for themselves!

– Head Commune-ist

Published in: on December 31, 2009 at 6:42 PM  Leave a Comment  